Comments on the approval of the bill of the manufacturing technology foundation buildup

March 12, 1999

General Secretary
Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO)

  1. The House of Representatives on March 12 approved a bill of the manufacturing technology foundation buildup, which was approved by the House of Councilors. The bill had been proposed by the director of the Committee of the Commerce and Industry.

    The House has not passed such a broad law since the Science and Technology Basic Law in 1995. With this new law, the government will create ways to promote and succeed technologies and retrain industrial workers in minor enterprises to bring up talented persons in the manufacturing labors.

    We pay our respects to the people who made an effort to pass this bill.

  2. The bill of the manufacturing technology foundation buildup declares in the preface that the economic and social role of the laborers dealing with manufacturing technology foundation and related business is a very important element to the nation.

    It appears that this bill makes much of the manufacturing industry and supports its development. The government will enact the basic manufacturing technology foundation buildup plan, which has measures to develop the manufacturing basic technology. The system should be arranged to reflect the voice of the people.

  3. The manufacturing foundations among minor enterprises have a hard time finding employees to develop and succeed its skills and technology. It is because the minor enterprises have a bad image on their working environment as represented by the word '3-K.' Their engineers have a relatively low social status.

    The younger generation, hoping for a pleasant work environment, will find this situation unacceptable.

    We feel under the proposed plan, manufacturing will develop both our manufacturing base and the nation. The new basic call for action over this new bill by the government has a big hope in it.

  4. This bill was enacted mostly by former members of the Shinshin party who had tried to talk with the other parties and also after they became the members of the Democratic Party. We deeply appreciate each party's understanding and cooperation supporting for this new bill.

  5. Rengo will work with related organizations to make a concrete measure for this new bill. We firmly believe the reinforcement of the foundation of the minor enterprises and the social and economical rise in position of their workers with this new bill.
