Furious 8 Million Mass Action
Firmly Block Pension Retrogression
Indignation Rally, RENGO and Public Sector Liaison Council
(10 December 1999)

Photo: Secretary General Sasamori declared a resolution, December 6.

photoDecember 6 with the cooperation of the Public Sector Liaison Council, RENGO held "Furious 8 Million Mass Action /All Indignation Rally to Realize RENGO Demands 12/6." The theme was blocking retrogression of Pension System.
1,200 people gathered at Shakai-Bunka-Kaikan Hall to strengthen unity. Before the RENGO rally, a central rally was also held promoted by the public service personnel liaison office.

Philanthropy Fund to Taiwan Earthquake Victims
(10 December 1999)

Photo: "I am sincerely grateful," said Representative Chuang (right)

photoOn October 14, at the 29th Central Executive Committee Meeting, RENGO decided to earmark a total of $30,000 in relief for the Taiwan Earthquake. On November 1, Secretary General Sasamori presented the fund list to Representative Chuang Ming Yao at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan located in the Minato district of Tokyo.

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