Prepare to Enforce Equal Opportunity Law
Sexual Harassment Prevention Seminar
(15/22 January 1999)

Case examples were also reported, Jan. 13
Case examples were also reported, Jan. 13
 The Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Law includes obligations for the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace beginning this April. On January 13, at a Tokyo Hotel, RENGO and RENGO Tokyo held their "RENGO Sexual Harassment Prevention Seminar." 250 officials in charge of women's activities and working conditions/agreement (half are male) gathered at the hall to review the definitions and backgrounds of sexual harassment and study countermeasures.

"Labor" Must be in New Ministry's Name
SG Sasamori's Comment
(15/22 January 1999)
The new ministry will be called the "Ministry of Social Affairs." Responding to the report on the naming of the new ministry, which will be a consolidation of Ministries of Labor and Health and Welfare, RENGO Secretary General Sasamori issued the following comment. "This name does not clarify the notion that this ministry is assigned to employment/labor problems. We cannot accept this [name] which is indicative of the general attitude of disregard for labor, the very same labor which has continued to sustain the foundation of the country."

Current Domestic