2000 Spring Struggle: Fight to Improve Life
Stabilize Employment and Living Standards
Central Deliberation Rally to Set Struggle Principles
(12 November 1999)

Photo; "Let's conduct active discussions," President Washio, Urayasu city.

photoOn October 28 and 29 at a hotel in Urayasu city in Chiba prefecture, RENGO held "Central Deliberation Rally" to discuss the "Basic Concepts" for 2000 Spring Struggle. 850 participants from each constituent organization and local RENGO gathered to hold intense discussions on how the 2000 Spring Struggle should take shape. Based on discussions at the Rally, these "Basic Concepts" are planned to be endorsed at the 31st Central Committee Meeting on November 18th, as "Struggle Principles." Subsequently, preparation for the 2000 Spring Struggle will be in earnest.

Appeal at the 2000 Spring Struggle Central Deliberation Rally

October 29, 1999
2000 Spring Struggle Central Deliberation Rally

For a two-day period beginning yesterday, RENGO held its Central Deliberation Rally, with the intention of structuring the 2000 Spring Struggle.
In order to revive Japan's economy and employment situation it is of urgent necessity to improve disposable income and to restore demand in private sector. It is also critical to realize our Policies/Systems demands, create and stabilize employment, and establish fair working rules. The 2000 Spring Struggle will indeed be seen as a larger general struggle for the protection and stabilization of employment and living standards.
Japan is experiencing drastic structural change in the fields of economy, industry, employment, and labor since the collapse of the bubble economy. In light of this situation, management has strengthened measures with the prime purpose of helping industries and businesses to survive. This has resulted in an increase in a sense of unrest toward living standards. While it is also true that management's situation is growing severe, the roots and responsibility for this situation lie squarely with the government and management. We should never allow the burden to be unilaterally shifted upon the workers of the nation.
Unionists pin great hopes on improving wage-levels due to decreased real incomes, increased tax burden, social insurance, and so on. RENGO strives its utmost to improve workers' real wage levels and to correct differentials.

By the consent and determination of this rally, RENGO pledges to combine the energies and actions of every unionist from every workplace and region to fight through the end of the 2000 Spring Struggle, so vital to the stabilization of employment and improvement of working conditions for unorganized workers. (edited)

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