The 13th Central Executive Committee Meeting
Dealing as a United Body on Opposition to the Health insurance Bill and Creation of New Employment Opportunities

Toward realizing passage of important bills through extra and an ordinary sessions of the Diet
(15 September 2000)

RENGO held the 13th Central Executive Committee on September 14th at headquarters. The agenda centered on the discussion "Dealing with the demands for the policies and system for fall 2000."
RENGO decided to initiate a Strikers' Headquarters as a move toward realizing our demands during the 150th extra session of the Diet this fall and the ordinary session next year. RENGO will mobilize its resources to enforce our demands of political parties to act on countermeasures in the Diet and hear the voices of the people.

The key policy issues follow:

1.Major policy concerns during the 150th extra diet session
 (1) To enact a supplementary budget that would create new employment opportunities.
RENGO will change the government supplementary budget currently focused on the public investment into a budget for countermeasures to create new employment opportunities. We will try to lower the unemployment rate to 3 percent by the end of the year 2000.
 (2) To oppose the plan for reforming the health insurance law and to promote health care reform
The plan for reforming the health insurance law is to increase limits of consumer's share of already-expensive medical fees. But reforming insurance cost rate limits, expenses for elderly outpatients to a fixed 10 percent is not true reform, it instead only increases the people's burdens.
RENGO demands this flawed plan be stopped. And we will demand fundamental reforms of attitudes to health care, including insuring elderly and the overall medical insurance system.
 (3) To enact the corporate pension basic bill
The government's pension bill with certain contributions has problems of limited non-tax amount differentials, shifting difficulties to the retirement allowance. Although circumstance are ripe for a new system, RENGO will not endorse this bill.
What is needed as soon as possible is a corporate pension basic bill – a Japanese version of Employee Retirement Income Security Act 1974 – which assures the right of receipt for all with retirement allowances and corporate pensions and regulates the responsibilities of the trustees.
 (4) To enact a bill to adjucate in labor and management conflicts
With a growing number of labor-management conflicts, RENGO will prepare a bill to adjucate in individual conflicts between labor and management as a legislation. This bill will empower a labor committee to consult, assist, intervene and mediate when a conflict between labor and management occurs.
 (5) To enact a bill criminalizing undue profits for employment agents
This bill will prohibit a politician from collecting a fee for helping an administrator find a job. Included among those excluded from collecting profits are Diet members, local assemblymen and local officials. Family members or secretaries would also be prohibited from receiving financial rewards, which would include cash, securities, paintings, calligraphic works, debt exemptions, low-rate loans and receptions. Penalties would include fines and or jail.
 (6) A bill to reform police
To curb police administration scandals, a police bill should be reformed. In the reform, the National Public Safety Commission should be re-enforced with internal inspections and outside monitoring of important cases. Function of local public safety commissions should be enforced, and a commission to deal with complaints should be instituted. Information about police administration should be opened to the public.
 (7) To enact an IT-related bill
To reform the electronic commerce, a system to protect the consumers should be created, one that will avoid damage by protecting consumers' privacy. We will demand an electronic commerce system to be expanded by fixing the problems.

2.Policy issues for the next ordinary diet session
 (1) To compose a year 2001 budget that creates new job opportunities, enforces social security standards and reconsiders public utility services.
RENGO will demand a year 2000 budget which will quicken a secure life and employment. In that budget, the following items should be included: A project to create new job opportunities by lowering the unemployment rate to 3 percent; raising the Treasury's share of the basic pension to 50 percent, stregthening services for the elderly and the sick, and an enactment of a public utility service control bill which focuses service on life-related and information-related fields.
 (2) To enact a bill to support working families
RENGO will work to enact a bill supporting workers with families. Provisions for care of children, elders and the sick should be reformed by including shorter working hours and leaves of absenses.
We will strive to shorten working hours for workers with families, and instigate this as a broad social movement.
 (3) To eliminate taxes on profit from consumer tax and invoice for the consumer tax. To impose a total tax on income and property and to introduce a numbering system for the taxpayers. To introduce the favorable tax system for NPO and to realize the tax reform by transforming local governments.
 (4) To realize social security reform which clarifies the role of the national pension, medical care and care for elder and sick people.
 (5) To enact "A bill to protect the workers during the reorganization of an enterprise" and to address "Prohibiting labor discrimination in the workplace."
 (6) To secure and create employment and enforce measures to improve a work skills, we will work to reform the "Secure Employment among Economically-Depressed Businesses Field Law" and "Developing Work Skills Law' and to improve a bill for increasing employment.
 (7) To enforce the base for small business, we will try to reform the "Preventing Delayed Payments to Subcontractors Law" and the "Antimonopoly Act.
 (8) To respect human rights and to promote educations reform which restore excellence in standards.
 (9) To enact a "Bill to Evaluate an Administration" and "Bill to Protect Information on Individuals" and to promote administrative reform for people to attend meetings as a representative of the labor union council.

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