Demand Activities to 4 Opposition Secretaries General
"Demands and Proposals"/Current Policy Management
(24 August 2001)

On August 22 with RENGO Secretary General Sasamori in the lead, RENGO conducted its demand activities regarding RENGO's "Demands and Proposals" as well as current policy management to each secretary generals of the Democratic Party of Japan, the New Komeito Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Liberal Party. RENGO demanded three points especially emphasizing implementation of employment measures such as job creation policies. The three points RENGO demanded were: (1) basic principles on economic management including economy-boosting measures that prioritize job policies, maintain and fortify regulations regarding employment, and so on. (2) measures that urgently need to be implemented, such as measures to create jobs for more than 1.4 million people, measures to recover personal consumption, and so forth. (3) RENGO Demands for Policies with Priority in FY 2001-2002.

During the demand activities, Secretary General Sasamori stressed that "RENGO realizes that structural reform is necessary, but the way the Koizumi Cabinet is carrying out this reform burdens the workers all the more. 'Structural reform without exception' should not be turned into 'structural reform without personal lives.' We think that there can be no economic recovery without employment improvement, and structural reform cannot be completed without economic recovery."
In response to RENGO's demands, Democratic Party Secretary General Kan replied, "the Koizumi administration has brought out structural reform under deflation. The Democratic Party would like to show measures for the employment problems which are expected to come."
Further, each Secretaries General made their resolutions.
New Komeito Party Secretary General Fuyushiba said, "structural reform is inseparable from employment problems. We listen to the voice of RENGO which is the biggest labor organization and want to reflect its opinion to our future policies." Social Democratic Party Secretary General Fuchigami said "we receive this as a formal RENGO demand regarding our activities at the extraordinary and ordinary Diet sessions. We must make exceptions within the Koizumi cabinet's slogan of 'structural reform without exceptions.'" Liberal Party Secretary General Fujii said, "our party nearly coincides with RENGO's ideas on the economy, employment and social security. We will strive to cooperate with RENGO demands."

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