“No More Jobless”
Central Pep Rally for Emergency Job Measures
(9 November 2001)
Photo: Appeal to the Diet at Petition Demo.
On October 26 RENGO held its “10/26 Central Pep Rally for Realizing Emergency Job Measures” at Hibiya Amphitheater with 4,200 participants. RENGO strongly appealed that this extraordinary Diet session should return to being a ‘Job Diet’ as originally planned, and swiftly materialize hard-hitting job measures on a ¥4 trillion-scale through the supplementary budget. After the rally, participants conducted a demonstration to the Diet in petition.

Speaking first, President Sasamori said, “the employment is so critical that it has become a social problem. They say that when people faraway lose jobs, that is recession. When those near you lose them, that is depression. We want to correlate, as RENGO’s collective will, that only labor unions can break up the current conditions.
Following that, General Secretary Kusano in his keynote address emphasized fortifying movements to materialize ¥4 trillion-scale job measures as an immediate policy issue. He said, “how job measures should are included in the supplementary budget is the biggest challenge.” Continuing on to medical care system reform, he expressed determination saying, “we cannot accept reform that only burdens people. We will fortify our activities so that those on the supply-side keep their promises.”
Democratic Party of Japan Vice-President Nakano, Social Democratic Party Public Relations Committee Chairperson (now Secretary General) Fukushima, and Liberal Party Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Yamaoka were among the participants. Each lawmaker disclosed their determination to solve job problems.
Afterward, the rally adopted the appeal “Let no union ever allow anymore unemployment. Let us create a massive wave of struggle to create new jobs and establish support measures for the jobless.” The demonstration march then proceeded to the Diet.

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