Human Rights Seminar Held in Toyama
(16 December 2002)
On November 29, RENGO and RENGO Toyama held a RENGO Human Rights Seminar entitled "Eliminate All Employment Discrimination" in Toyama-city with 130 people in attendance. RENGO Department of Organizational Affairs Executive Director Abe gave a speech on behalf of the organizers. He said "when recruiting employees there are many who don't realize that asking or checking for information unrelated to a candidates' ability or qualifications, such as parents' professions and family structure, is linked to discrimination." He appealed that it is important as labor unions to properly inform local and workplaces and seek a proper understanding of human rights.

The seminar discussed such issues as the critical problems of the Human Rights Protection bill, the necessity of a comprehensive law to abolish discrimination, ILO Convention 111, which prohibits discriminatory treatment over employment and occupation. Also the seminar called for activities that use the Human Rights Education / Human Rights Inculcation Promotion Law.

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