37th Central Committee Meeting
Discuss on Spring Struggle
Demands on Priority Policies, Special Resolution Endorsed

(28 June 2002)

RENGO held its 37th Central Committee Meeting at a hotel in Naha-city, Okinawa on June 26 through 27. At the meeting, those in attendance endorsed the “2002 Spring Struggle Interim Summary,” “FY 2002-2003 RENGO Demands for Policies with Priority.” In addition, two other resolutions were adopted including the “Special Resolution Demanding Interruption of the Legislative Agenda to Revise the Health Insurance Law and the Demand to Stop Establishment of Three Emergency Defense Related Bills.” 400 attendees were on hand for the meeting as were guests of honor Okinawa Prefecture Governor Inamine and the former All China Trade Union Federation President Er.

Photo: Attendees wearing Okinawan ‘Kariyushi-Wear” (an Aloha-like shirt) were commonplace.
RENGO President Sasamori stood to deliver his speech on the shape that the Spring Struggle should take. He said, “RENGO has confirmed that it will lay the framework of a Spring Struggle that will serve to improve living standards.” He continued, stating that “we would like to sort out what topics should be taken up, how we should make concrete unified demands and then clearly define the roles of the national center, industrial federations, liaison councils by businesses, enterprise-based unions (unit unions), and local RENGO.” Moreover, he asked ”how should RENGO send out a message to non-union members and expand its realm of influence.” He encouraged participants to sufficiently discuss this matter and touched on RENGO’s response to the Diet session, appealing to stem an undesirable amendment to the Health Insurance Law, and three emergency defense related bills of legislation at the on-going Diet session as well as withdrawal of the Privacy Protection Bill. And at the same time he stated, that “now is the time for the opposition parties to stand together” in order to change the current administration.

During the discussion on the “Spring Struggle/Interim Summary,” some of the ideas presented included the following: “the results of the major unions’ wage battles were largely reflected in the small to mid sized unions—and that result was only negative. We want to have concrete demand standards at next year’s Spring Struggle.” “Interest in the problems regarding part-time work is high, but the issue remains log jammed. We want this matter treated more seriously.” “A radical response for issues on minimum wage should be taken.” Also, an opinion was presented regarding the securing of personnel resources at local RENGO. Based on these discussions, RENGO will continue discussions at related committees such as the extended tactics committee.

Regarding the other proceedings, “FY 2002-2003 RENGO Demands for Policies with Priority,” “Changing of Officers,” “Award Ceremony,” “Meeting Schedules FY 2003” and others were endorsed. Furthermore, two other resolutions were adopted. Namely, the “Special Resolution Demanding Interruption of the Legislative Agenda to Revise the Health Insurance Law and the Demand to Stop Establishment of Three Emergency Defense Related Bills,” and the “Resolution to Actualize Equal Treatment for Part-time Workers and Promotion of Organization”.

Holding this meeting in Okinawa was the realization of an answer to Governor Inamine’s request at the ‘Action Route 47’ meeting. Governor Inamine expressed his gratitude to the participants attending from all parts of the nation and RENGO Okinawa President Karimata offered an awesome performance of traditional Okinawan three-string guitar (Ryukyu Shamisen) as an expression of welcome.

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