


RENGO President Kozu delivered a message at ILO Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work

09 July 2020
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently hosting the Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work (1-3 and 7-9 July, virtual).

The event on 8 July was held as "Global Leaders Day". A total of more than 80 people selected from the Heads of States and Government of ILO member states, prominent global employers and trade union leaders, and heads of international organizations including UN Secretary-General Guterres delivered speeches in video messages. RENGO President Kozu, as a representative of workers in the Asia Pacific region, delivered a message at the Summit.

In his message, President Kozu called for a renewed unity of the world's governments, workers, and employers facing this unprecedented crisis, and fundamental policy changes and structural reforms in society.
He also touched on how trade unions' roles are important to solve the issue of safety-nets for people and protect vulnerable people which have been revealed again from RENGO’s telephone counseling throughout Japan. He emphasized the importance of solving the issues through labor-management relations and tripartite social dialogue in this regard.
Regarding the movements of undermining the rights of workers and trade unions in some countries in the world, he stated “the world must be united in speaking out against such movements” and expressed a firm stance on the issue.
He concluded his speech by calling for "staying hopeful while struggling with the harsh reality, and let’s move forward together toward the goal of realizing an 'inclusive and human-centered sustainable society' and a 'secure society based on work'."

From workers' side, in addition to President Kozu, representatives from SEWA (India), FNPR (Russia), UGTA (Algeria), DGB (Germany), AFL-CIO (U.S.), CUT (Brazil), Public Services International (PSI), and International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) delivered messages on the day.